f How to Crack, SSB Interview Tips - UPSC Papers





How to Crack, SSB Interview Tips

Service Selection Board (SSB):  SSB means Service Selection Board.  It is set by the ministry of Defense for the recruitment of officers to the Tri Forces such as Army, Navy and Air force.  The Selection Board consists of senior officers from defense forces usually in the rank of major, colonel, Lt Colonel. The board consists of psychologists, GTO to check the candidate’s ability for defense forces.
After getting shortlisted in written examination candidates are called for SSB interview which is a 5 days process. Before starting the SSB candidates need to report one day before which includes document checking and form filling. They are supposed to report at the place mentioned in their call letter mostly they are asked to report at MCQ (Moment Control Office). Procedure of DAY 1 is given below:
During the first day of SSB tests following tests are conducted
•Intelligence test,  
•Picture Perception and Description Test(PPDT),
•Filling up of personal Information Questionnaire(PIQ) forms
Intelligence test:  In this candidate’s ability is check to solve the problem in Aptitude, reasoning, verbal etc. Time is less   and candidates need to solve more number of questions correctly. Mostly it comprises of 50 questions to be solved in 30 minutes.
Picture Perception: In this test a slide is shown for 30 seconds which is hazy/ clear and they have to observe it carefully for next 1 minute and have to mark a number of characters shown in the picture to write down a story on the sheet provided. Parameters can be Age, sex of the character, mood (negative/ positive, to observe its past, present or future. They also need to identify the first character they saw in the picture which is the main character. In 3 minutes candidates need to write down a story which should not be confused with describing the picture. 
Picture Description:  The candidates are given back the sheets to revise the stories and are told to sit in a semi-circle for a Group Discussion.  Each candidate will narrate his/ her stories without looking at the sheet to other candidates in a duration of 1 minute. When all the candidates are done with the narration of the story then everyone in the group discuss and come to the common story. Though it is evident that each candidate will perceive the same picture with different theme, story, background etc from one another which is called PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test) after completion of this test results are announced. Those cannot clear have to go back home and selected ones are retained for next procedure.
Personal information Questionnaire (PIQ)
:  selected candidates are required to fill the bio data which is known as PIQ. It is very crucial part of SSB. It contains various details about the candidate which gives the assessor an idea to judge your better and to understand your personality. One must take PIQ very seriously and should fill with proper attention, inaccurate information, or too much of boasting will lead you in trouble.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESS:  On second the day various tests are conducted to check the psychological suitability of the candidate to be an officer or to have officers like qualities.
1.Thematic Apperception Test [TAT]
2.Word Association Test [WAT]
3.Situation Reaction Test [SRT]
4.Self Description Test [ SDT]
Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT):
•A hazy (unclear) series of 11 + 1 picture are shown to the candidates where the candidate has to write down a story for the picture.
•The 12th picture is the blank picture in which the candidate has to imagine a situation and write a story according to that. This is also called as imagination test. The pictures can consist of hero, environmental situation, different characters etc.
•Candidates need to focus on what is happening in the situation, or what is the outcome of the situation.
Word Association Test [WAT]:  
•This projection technique is used by the psychologist to check the personality of the candidate. In this candidates are shown a word on a screen for 15 seconds and they have to write down the first thought which comes to their mind, total 60 words will be shown within the gap of 15 seconds each.
•The words will be very easy which is used in day to day life to check the proficiency in the English language. If you cannot find the meaning of any word candidates can skip the word and can move to the other without breaking the sequence.
•Candidates are suggested to write positive, friendly, lively sentences.
•Negative words are also given, candidates are advised to write or convert them into positive.
•Responses must be in past or present avoiding the future which is imaginary.
Situation Reaction Test (SRT): This test is followed by WAT within the time limit of 10 minutes.     
• Question paper and response sheet is given separately to response to different life situation.
•Reaction expected from a candidate in this test should be practical, logical and reliable.
•Total number of question asked is 60 with the time limit of 30 minutes.
•This test requires the important tool which is the presence of mind.
•Candidates are advised to practice SRT from real life situation or news to understand how they will react if they suffer or get stuck in that situation.
•A good attitude positive approach is required for every reaction without showing any fear of handling the situation.
• Keep in mind Quality of the reaction is important than quantity.
Self Description Test: Self description is nothing but putting our self in the view of our self and in the view of our close ones (parents, teacher, and friends).
•Time allotted for this test is 15 minutes.
•Candidates need to write about themselves or what they are thinking about parents, family, friends, neighbors etc.  And also the vice –versa what they are thinking about you.
•Finding your strength and weaknesses before will help you in this test.

1.Group discussion (Indoor Task):  Group discussion is the important task of day 3 where candidates are given a topic to discuss. In this candidates are divided into 8 -12 members based on their chest numbers.  Three options are given to select one for the first G.D after selection  usually 3 minutes are given to think and then discussion starts. After completing the first G.D second topic is given which is compulsory one. The Expectation from the candidate in this round is good communication skills, leadership, coordination, listening, knowledge and most importantly confidence.
2.Group Planning Exercise or Military Planning Exercise.(G.P.E or M.P.E):
 It is a set or problems or critical situations in which the candidate has to put up himself, engage his team or group of friends in finding the solution for those problems along with that his/her team should get succeeded in their own problem. Candidates sit in semi-circle based on the chest numbers where assessor narrates the story with the model and written pad is given in which problems are related to stories for which candidates individually need to provide the solution and common discussion is done to provide the solution. In M.P.E, it is a series of tough situation where the candidate is putting himself, his team in various situations i.e. extracting work from his team by allocating them based on the priority of the problem. He will be noticed by GTO officer to show his all OLQ.
3.Progressive Group Task (outdoor task):
This task is about set of obstacles in ground in a specified area in that you and your team members should cross each obstacle defined by set of rules.  To cross those obstacles, some helping materials are given by the G.T.O.  i.e. (wooden log), Plank, and rope to tie these. Time allotted for this task is 40 to 60 minutes it’s a team activity as when one task is finished group will move to another task to finish. The Difficulty level of the task also increases one by one.

4.Group Obstacle Race: In this task the group is pitched against each other over a set of six obstacles with a snake like a load to carry.

5. Half Group Task: The group is divided in half E.g.:- If there are (10-12 members) then the group may get divided into 5-6 members.  So in this situation, the candidate can able to analyze their different views to solve the task.  The rules and helping materials are same like P.G.T. only.  But the difference is the number of persons. The helping material is given like wooden plank or rope along with they have to carry a load from one end to another end.  Violation of the rules in this task will not be entertained by G.T.O.

6.Individual Lecturette: It is an individual task and the candidate is required to give a short talk to the group. Three minutes are allowed to prepare any chosen topic from the four given in the Lecturette Cards for the talk.
Process of Day 4 includes:
1.Individual Obstacles.
2.Command Task
3.Final Group Task.
Individual Obstacles:  The aim of the individual obstacles is to show the candidates stamina level, their endurance, their boldness, their courage and several factors. In this test total number of obstacles is 10 and the time limit given for each obstacle is 3 minutes.   The G.T.O calls the first candidate (based on chest numbers) and orders him to ready for the task.  If he blows the whistle the first candidate will start to do the task.  At his 2.30 minute out of his 3 minutes, he gives another short whistle which is the sign for the candidate who is doing obstacle as time is going to end and also to the next person to come and stand ready for the task.   If the candidate is able to complete the task in 3 minutes is allowed to do the process. Repeating of the task is not allowed again and again.  Various obstacles are there like commando walk, Double ditch jump, Tarzan swing, Balanced walk, Jumping over drum winded by thorny wires, Step by Step jump, Jumping over the screen(high jump), Burma bridge,  Hanging the rope after jumping from the ladder,  Rope climbing.
Command Task:  Ground task is conducted which is called command task. Here candidate is the leader where he needs to choose two subordinates from his group. While choosing the member candidate has to see whether the subordinate can find the multiple solutions of the task, whether he is speedy in ideas and does not hesitate in executing the plan.  It is recommended that correct person should be chosen for the task as they have to cross the obstacle with heavy loads, material, and another person is chosen who can tie ropes, planks, easily.

Final Group Task:  This is the last task of SSB where candidates need to perform really well to show their qualities. In this task, candidates need to cross only one obstacle so it is expected that they need to very fast in their decisions to work out their plans. Good coordination is expected from members of a team and obstacles are similar to Progressive group task (P.G.T). The obstacles are painted in three colors, black, white, red. Areas of mud surface inside the task and colors mentioned are not allowed to be touched which is called as out of bound areas.  The helping materials given are the wooden plank, wooden log, and rope. With these helping materials, several techniques such as cantilever, fulcrums etc are implemented to cross over the obstacles along with the group. If candidate violates the rules they need to repeat the task again.
•Closing addresses by the deputy president of the board
•Announcement of the results
Closing Address:   The 5TH day is the last day of the SSB.  The day begins with the closing address which is given by the Deputy President of the board before the Board Conference. During the address officer will highlight the merits of selection system, explain the qualities that we in the Armed Forces are looking for in your personality and provide clarification to any doubts or question that may arise in your mind. This is also an interactive forum for you to put forward any problem complaint or any suggestion that you may have experienced during your stay at SSB.
Board Conference: The Board Conference is the final event of the five-day SSB process, during the board conference which is chaired by the president, Deputy president and all the assessors that are the GTOs, Psychologists and Interviewing Officers, who have assessed you will be in attendance. Each candidate is discussed in detail by the three assessors, who have examined his demonstrated performance through the specific technique independently to arrive at the consensus on the acceptability of each candidate. The detailed process of validation and counter validation is undertaken to arrive at the final decision about the candidate. Candidates will be asked to appear individually before the board.  Candidates will be asked questions during the conference for which answering will be very important. The board makes final recommendation about the suitability of the candidate as well as final marks to be awarded to each candidate.
Announcement of the Result: After all the candidates have appeared before the board and the result has been compiled, the Technical Officer of the board will announce the result. The candidates who failed to make the grade are seen off at the railway station. All those who are recommended by the board will stay on for the medical examination which may take one week.
Here are some questions which will be asked from the candidate while declaring the result. Sometimes they may ask you the questions which you were not able to answer in your Interview. So be ready with that also.
1) Your name’s meaning and how you got this name?
2) What things you learned during your stay here?
3) Any suggestions for improvement of facilities at SSB Center?

:  Recommended candidates appear before the medical board for carrying out their medical board after the SSB results. It takes 4 to 5 working days for the concerned Military Hospital to complete the medical board and after that, the candidates are dispersed. NDA candidates are examined both for Army and Navy unless otherwise instructed and endorsement of fitness status will be made accordingly. President of the medical board will guide the candidates for Appeal/Review Medical Board procedures. Candidates may seek the advice of President Special Medical Board for review/appeal in case they have been declared unfit.


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