f SBI PO The Best Bank PO Job you can have - UPSC Papers





SBI PO The Best Bank PO Job you can have

SBI PO The Best Bank PO Job you can have

SBI PO The Best Bank PO Job you can have
SBI PO The Best Bank PO Job you can have
State Bank of India (SBI), the largest commercial bank of the country, recruits every year for the post of probationary officers in its various branches across the country. This is one of the most sought after jobs among banking aspirants because of more salary than other public sector banks along with plenty of opportunities for growth and promotion in career. So, is it really worth what it is held in such high esteem for? Let us look at the pros and cons and we shall try to come at a decision on the basis of that.
SBI PO: The job to get
For banking aspirants, SBI PO is one of the dream jobs that one can get. There are various reasons attached to that. We shall try to look into what does a SBI PO actually gets once he joins the prestigious bank as an officer:
• Salary and Allowances: SBI provides four increments in the basic pay compared to other public sector banks and that makes the monthly emoluments of the bank more than other public sector banks. This makes SBI the bank to get in for the future bankers.
• Growth and Promotional Avenues: SBI provides the best growth opportunities not only in the banking sector but also, among the public sector organizations of the country. Once you join as a PO, you can rise up to the level of Chairman as we can see the present chairman of the bank, who joined SBI as a PO in 1979. At SBI, you may be promoted to Scale II (entry level is Scale I / Junior Management Grade Scale) within 2 years if you qualify in the departmental examination and after that, every three years you are eligible for promotion provided you have the requisite experience of serving in the rural and semi-urban areas as well as in different capacities in the bank.
• Social Status: If one is interested in staying in the banking sector, SBI is the best place to be in because of the social status attached to the job. Compared to any other public sector bank, SBI provides higher social status and self esteem.
• A Lifetime of Learning Opportunities: SBI has a very large organization and there are many verticals in their business. Therefore, as an employee of SBI, you get plenty of different opportunities in different aspects of banking. It makes the job an interesting one because it is not only about branch banking but much more than that.
• Perquisites: SBI provides a number of perks to its employees such as book grant, newspaper allowance, phone bill, conveyance allowance, briefcase allowance, medical facilities, LTC / LFC Facilities, loans at concessional rates of interest etc.
SBI: Not all rosy about it
One must be wondering why we are even discussing the pros and cons of SBI PO, after going through the article so far, well, hold on everybody, it is not all great about being a SBI PO. Here is why:
• Long working hours: Compared to any other bank, in SBI, you have to put in longer working hours and for officers, it is very difficult to bail out even when there is an emergency.
• Stress attached: SBI job is all about stress. It is true that individually, there is no specific target but branch manager cannot handle all the pressure by himself and it comes to the officers to stand up to the task. This makes life difficult to enjoy for officers.
• Posting is not always good: SBI has the largest number of branches among all the banks and that is why, often newly recruited officers are posted at branches in remote areas or far away from the residential place of a candidate.
• You have to pass a confirmation examination: Even after recruited as a PO, your life is not secured as a banker because after 2 years you have to take a confirmation examination and maybe it is very busy but still you have to face it and you never know what may happen in an examination hall.
• Difficult to maintain family life: With all the stress and staying away, you hardly get to see your family, friends and loved ones and this is the biggest drawback of the job since it makes life really difficult to stay alone all the time but then, you are left with no choice.
SBI PO: Is it really Worth the Hard Work it takes to get in?
After going through the pros and cons of your job at SBI, we are in a position to draw a conclusion whether it is really that good. Well, it depends on the person who is doing the job. There are some bankers who are really passionate about their job and there are youngsters who dream of touching the sky, for them, SBI is the best (even better than RBI since SBI offers more lucrative growth opportunities). But for somebody who wants a comfortable family life and want to stay closer to home, it is not the job to get in because once the initial euphoria sets in; it is difficult to maintain the enthusiasm in the long run.
Hence, people, if you are working hard to get into SBI, just weigh the pros and cons of the job before giving everything to it because at the end of the day, if you are not satisfied with what you are doing every day, it is a betrayal to yourself as well as the organization you are serving. SBI notification is around the corner and it is the time to pull up your socks if you are ready to give it your best.


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